What are the toolkit components?
The tool is comprised of 4 documents: two documents to assist with implementation (Facilitator Guide and Implementation Guide) and two reflection forms (the Assessment Form and the Youth Feedback Form).
The tool’s primary goals are:
The Assessment Form
The Assessment Form is the main scoring rubric. The standards are broken down by category, or domain, of the Positive Youth Development (PYD) framework, and will be evaluated by a Assessment Committee of 5-8 members, including at least 2 or 3 youth beneficiaries. To save the fillable PDF version of the assessment, print the document to PDF.
The Spanish version of the YPAT form can be downloaded here. The French version of the YPAT form can be downloaded here.
Youth Feedback Form
The YPAT uses a two-stage process for youth engagement to ensure youth feel prepared and empowered to share their opinions: 1) completion of Youth Feedback Form in Youth Reflection Groups, followed by 2) participation of selected youth representatives in the Assessment Committee. In the first stage, one or more groups of youth will convene to fill out a separate assessment tool, the Youth Feedback Form, which captures youth experiences and perceptions of key standards. This process provides the Assessment Committee with input from a larger pool of youth beneficiaries on how they view the programming, as well as provides time for the youth beneficiaries to consider each question and brainstorm examples of how they see the benchmarks happening in practice to prepare them for the full assessment. The French version of the Youth Feedback Form can be downloaded here.
Implementation Guide
The Implementation Guide includes the research behind the tool, and provides step-by-step instructions on how to implement the YPAT. The French version of the Implementation Guide can be downloaded here.
Facilitator Guide
The Facilitator Guide is very similar to the Implementation Guide, but provides additional information on how to tailor the tool based on the YSO’s needs, and facilitate the discussion to ensure all members of the committee are comfortable sharing their opinions. The French version of the Facilitator Guide can be downloaded here.
Scoring Rubric and Action Plan
The scoring rubric helps provide structure for recording the group’s scores and the evidence the participants provide. The excel sheet includes formula to automatically calculate the scores for each feature and domain, but will need to be adjusted if any standards are removed. The second page of the scoring rubric is the action plan template which includes instructions on how to decide on actions the organization wants to focus on. The French version of the scoring rubic can be downloaded here.