Governance and Structure

Governance and Structure

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4.A.1 Youth are represented on the board and practices are in place to ensure they have meaningful input into decision-making.
  • There are no youth members on the board or there is no board.
  • Organizational bylaws do not include any articles pertaining to youth representation in the organization.
  • There are a few (at least 2) youth members on the board.
  • Organizational bylaws do not include any articles pertaining to youth representation in the organization.
  • There are a few youth members on the board. The organization makes sure that there is diverse representation of youth on the board.
  • Organizational bylaws include articles pertaining to youth representation in the organization. The Board has not adjusted procedures to accommodate youth board members to ensure they can fully participate as equal members on the board.
  • Youth are well represented, diverse and are active members of the board.
  • Organizational bylaws include articles that require youth representation on the board.
  • The Board has established procedures to ensure youth can fully participate as equal members of the board (e.g., ensure youth have enough information to inform decision making, orient other board members on the importance of shared decision making with youth, plan the time and location of Board meetings to facilitate youth participation).


4.A.2 Board members include individuals with the right qualifications to oversee a youth-serving organization.
Board members have no prior experience working with youth and do not have appropriate training on youth work.
A few board members have prior experience and skills related to youth development or have received training on youth development.Some board members have prior experience and skills related to youth development or have received training on youth development. Majority of board members have prior experience working with youth or have received appropriate training on youth development. Score:


4.A.3 Mission statement and strategic plan clearly prioritize inclusive youth development and engagement.
Youth development goals are not prioritized in the organization’s mission statement or strategic plan or the organization does not have a mission statement or strategic plan.The organization has youth development and engagement goals, but they are not inclusive and are not represented in the strategic plan.The organization has written youth development and engagement goals that are gender sensitive and socially inclusive, but they’re not represented in the strategic plan.The organization has written youth development and engagement programs and goals that are gender sensitive and socially inclusive and the strategic plan is designed to accomplish those goals. Score:


4.A.4 Organization adopts the Do No Harm principle throughout all programs and organization takes steps to implement it.
Organization does not assess or implement a Do No Harm approach.Organization discusses Do No Harm approaches but does not take practical steps to implement it. Organization conducts ongoing assessments to understand the context in which it is operating and the interaction between the youth program and the context but does not use the findings to inform programming. Organization conducts ongoing assessments to understand the context in which it is operating and the interaction between the youth program and the context and continuously act upon the findings in order avoid negative impacts of the program and maximize the positive one.Score:

