Positive Norms, Expectations, and Perceptions
Ensure youth and program staff have a clear shared understanding of norms and expectations about their behavior and consistently uphold and model norms.
Positive social norms influence the behaviors and roles that are acceptable for and expected from youth. Expectation and boundaries help youth know what is expected of them both in terms of contribution and responsibility.
To learn more, read this fact sheet:
*3.D.1 Guidelines for behavior and ground-rules are documented and are created collaboratively with youth. | ||||
The program does not document behavior guidelines and ground-rules or create program-level rules collaboratively with youth. | The program has behavior guidelines and-or program ground-rules, but they are not created collaboratively with youth or properly documented or displayed. | The program has documented behavior guidelines and program ground-rules that are displayed and are created collaboratively with youth but are not consistently implemented. | Youth work with staff to create program ground rules that include both negative behaviors to be avoided and positive behaviors and values that are encouraged. Youth have ownership of the guidelines and enforce its implementation. | Score: ___________ |
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*3.D.2 The program recognizes and rewards youth’s positive contributions and acknowledges youth’s value. | ||||
The program does not recognize youth’s contributions. | The program acknowledges at least some of the achievements and contributions with specific language. | The program provides structured opportunities to recognize achievements within program activities but opportunities are unplanned and inconsistent. | The program provides consistent structured opportunities throughout the program to acknowledge the achievements, contributions, and responsibilities of young people. | Score: ___________ |
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