Category Archives: Module

Safe Space

Safe Space Provide activities and space for youth to feel included regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability status, and support activities that provide positive sense of belonging (e.g., sports, community service, or faith-based youth groups). Promote youth behaviors that are respectful of diversity and promote equity. An emotionally safe space is critical to…
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Positive Norms, Expectations, and Perceptions

Positive Norms, Expectations, and Perceptions Ensure youth and program staff have a clear shared understanding of norms and expectations about their behavior and consistently uphold and model norms. Positive social norms influence the behaviors and roles that are acceptable for and expected from youth. Expectation and boundaries help youth know what is expected of them…
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Belonging and Membership

Belonging and Membership Provide activities and space for youth to feel included regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability status, and support activities that provide positive sense of belonging (e.g., sports, community service, or faith-based youth groups). Promote youth behaviors that are respectful of diversity** and equity. **The term diversity refers to a mix…
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Healthy Relationships and Bonding – Peer Relationships

Healthy Relationships and Bonding – Peer Relationships The program emphasizes the importance of healthy peer relationships and creates structures and process to facilitate positive relationships. [spacer] Download the full form   [spacer] [table id=7 /] [spacer] [spacer] [row] [span6] PreviousHealthy Relationships and Bonding – Youth Adult Relationships [/span6] [span6] NextBelonging and Membership [/span6] [/row]
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